3 SEO Tips for your Online Business

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

3 SEO Tips for your Online Business

In today’s digital age it’s very important for all businesses to have a website; but creating a website just simply isn’t enough. Anyone can make a website and pay $25 dollars to make it live. No matter what industry you’re in, what you sell, and what your target audience is, the fact remains that in order to be found and remain on the scene, you need to have an optimized website.

Having a search engine optimized website ultimately translates into being found easily by your customers. If, for example, you sell handyman equipment in a traditional brick-and-mortar store, you still need to be found on search engines such as Google and Bing. Let’s face it: people don’t go around looking for things they need on foot or through friend referrals anymore. Everyone gets on their phone and types in what they need such “handyman equipment in Dubai” and whatever search results come up are the places they will go.

SEO Tips for Online Business

Before you freak out over why you’re not showing up for your keywords and go off to pay some SEO “expert” agency large amounts of money to make it happen for you, you need to consider these three things:

Who developed your site? Was it created with SEO in mind?

You can’t just build a small little site and expect it to start ranking right away. There are numerous factors to consider in order to start appearing search results. You need to make sure you buy your domain name (i.e. www.businessetup.com) right away so it can age. Similar to fine wine, the older your domain, the better. Search engines see old domain names as authoritative sites because you’ve been operating and updating the website for a long time. Additional to that, you need to make sure that your site properly reflects what your business is all about. But it’s important to understand that you need to position all the information in the way that your customers would want to search for you. Check out some basic “on-site” tips online and make sure you check off all the things in the checklist. You don’t need to be an experienced Web Developer to understand these factors which is why you as a business owner need to take the initiative to learn a little bit about SEO.

Are you taking full advantage of Google products?

When you search for a business or restaurant in Google search you may have found that the restaurant name, customer rating, and location in Google maps shows up on the right side of your screen right away. Wouldn’t it be cool if your business came up like that too? You can easily make that happen! All you need to do is register with a Google account on Google for Business. It will automatically create a Google+ page for your business, and prompt you to ask about all the details of your business. Give it a couple days though for it start showing up in search results. Google+ is also another very important factor of SEO. The more you invest in getting reviews about your business on Google+, the better.

Are you generating interesting content for your customers and not just for the sake of creating content?

Once people start reading about SEO they get the impression that they need to stuff their site with keywords they want to rank for, and constantly update it with generic content. Do not do this! The best practice to follow is to be a better business and reflect that on your site. As a business you should provide engaging and helpful content to your prospective and returning customers. It can be anything from helpful articles to visual infographics that would genuinely help your customers. Through this tactic you’re building trust with your customers and are inviting them to approach you with anymore concerns, which will ultimately lead to a sale. Creating engaging content and promoting it on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter is even better because it can be shared and talked about which gives you much more exposure.

What other SEO factors do you think a business owner should look into?

Tell us in the comments section below.

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