How To Accept Rejections In Life

How To Accept Rejections In Life

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After being rejected in many ways in different life subjects, I decided to turn the destructive impact to a total constructive one.

Every day you face rejections in various situations and in different points of your life.  You may get rejection when applying for a new Job, asking your boss for a salary raise or even a marriage proposal. So how can we avoid rejections? The answer is we can not avoid rejections, but you can learn how to handle them without letting it destroy you.

Rejections in Life

Start asking yourself these questions:

Why am I taking it personally?

You have to understand that some rejections has nothing to do with us. Try to analyze it in your mind and you will land up knowing the real factor that involves the rejection for example bad timing to ask that specific question.

How can I be positive about it?

Well, simply remember how many times you have rejected others as well and you will believe that this is a logic process in anyone’s life between acceptance & rejection, hence you are not alone. Know that there are billions & billions of people in this earth and they all went through a rejection in their life. So relax!

Why should I listen to the rejection?

It is part of treating the issue of that specific rejection, which gives a deeper understanding to the reason behind it and know that the reason if it has anything to do with you in specific at the end.  Listening carefully to the rejection is actually an opportunity to learn and develop the self and make the change happen.

How I can be kind to myself while am feeling rejected?

Usually my friends think am crazy when I do the Self-Talk exercise and I totally say to myself the opposite of the rejection statement. Trust me, it works and it builds self-confidence in accepting the word “No” without getting silly by drowning your sorrows in Alcohol, cigarettes, food or shopping because it will only break your bank account or your health.

Be sure that rejections are not actual rejections and most of them have involved factors that you have no control or power to change. If you manage to engage in positive Self-talking and accept the “NO” with positive attitude, am sure you will be able to pick up yourself when you fall and gather your thoughts to create an opportunity out of it.

Always Love yourself.

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1 Comment
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