Launching Your Startup? PR Tips & Tricks for Business Success

Launching Business in the UAE

Launching Your Startup? PR Tips & Tricks for Business Success

One of the most noticeable trends in 2018 is the strive towards becoming your own boss. There is nothing more satisfying and rewarding than fulfilling your passion and achieving your desired goals and dreams.

However, whether you are a freelancer or launching your own startup, success can’t be reached without a little push from PR. Public Relations plays a big role in the promotion and publicity of any business, brand, people, or startup. And when done right, the results are astounding and success is inevitable.

Just like any campaign, certain steps must be taken in order to execute your PR plan that is customized for your freelance business or startup. First of all, identifying your target audience (and media) is a must. You can’t promote your business without specifying your potential clients and people of interest. Secondly, creating an attractive lucrative pitch is a must. After knowing your target audience, tailoring a pitch that fulfills their needs and wants is the natural next step. Don’t forget to also practice your “elevator pitch” for when you are casually asked the famous question “So what do you do?” (Tip: Do NOT use clichés).

Make sure that you are available and active across different social media platforms. Sharing news relevant to your industry and to your business in specific is important. Data and analysis, as well as showing knowledge and expertise in your field are essential. Blowing your own trumpet every once in a while to showcase your achievements is acceptable. Testimonials from clients prove to be very helpful too. Media relations will always play a vital role in the success of any PR activity; make sure that you are always in touch with key reporters, and pitch to them well-written stories and press releases to publish in their media outlets. And the most important tip of all: Network network network! Always make sure to attend events and conferences and business gatherings, and engage and network with major players in the market and the industry, which will get you leads, and help you take your first steps towards business success.

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