How to Start a Consultancy Company in Dubai Free Zone?

Start Business Consultancy Company in Dubai

How to Start a Consultancy Company in Dubai Free Zone?

This article covers how you can start a consultancy company in Dubai Free Zone.

UAE is the entrepreneurial nirvana for budding capitalists, because of its tax-free pro-business landscapes, free zones, and straightforward legal and commercial frameworks. New startups are highly encouraged by the region since it has started to establish its economic stability in the local and international markets. Existing trends in the market are offering a plethora of investment opportunities to foreign investors ranging from export and import to the formation of an incorporated business.

Consistent market changes and an influx of new technologies are demanding business owners to meet the existing and future requirements of these developments. This situation has significantly led to the necessity of qualified business consultant who has ample knowledge and experience in these ever-changing situations, so as to provide expert advice to their clients. Along these lines, starting a consultancy company in Dubai UAE means acquiring an extensive clientele base along with respective business provisions such as growth incentives and stable profits. Especially, starting up a consultancy business was found to be the most flourishing venture in Dubai. And what could be better than setting up this business in one of the Free Zones? We have put together all the information that you need to know before starting a consultancy firm in Dubai Outsource Free Zone.

Features of Dubai Outsource Free Zone

Before knowing about the requirements of setting up a consultancy company in the Dubai Outsource Free Zone (DOFZ), let’s have a quick look at its features first. Dubai Outsource Free Zone is a specialized economic zone, which intends to gather leading organizations and individuals of the consultation industry in one place while offering premium standards of services and infrastructure. Registering and setting up a consultancy company in Dubai Outsource Free Zone is a great opportunity for doing business in a tax-free dominion along with economic stability and legal protection. Major types of business activities that are established in Dubai Outsource Free Zone include Professional Consulting Services, Outsourcing Services, Professional Training, and Remote Outsourcing Services.

 How to Set Up a Consultancy Company in Dubai Free Zone?

  • To set up a consultancy company in Dubai Outsource Free Zone, you first need to come up with a company name (must not be already registered with DOFZ), so that you can register your business with DOFZ.
  • Once you settled on the name, you need to apply for registration in order to acquire a Professional Service License (PSL) from the DOFZ authority. This will give you the opportunity to offer your professional consulting services to your clients.
  • A professional Service License will allow you to enjoy 100% ownership and capital repatriation, however, you need to have a Local Sponsor/Local Service Agent (LSA) i.e. business partner to acquire PSL.
  • You can have LSA as a sleeping partner in your business which means he will not have any authority or say in business matters and profitability and also cannot hold any shares of the business.

How Can We Help to Start a Company in a Free Zone?

We are a leading business consultancy company in Dubai with a reputation for assisting various clients in setting up their businesses across the region. If you want to set up your consultancy firm in Dubai Free Zone, then BSC can help you with the license acquisition and business setup procedures. Please take out a moment to talk to our experts who are available at your service just a call away.

Contact us directly at +971 4 4301245 or by sending us an email at You can also leave a message on the contact page.

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