Dubai Tag

How to Start a Business in Dubai – Making a Sound Investment Starting a business in Dubai involves an extensive procedure of document processing and application submission. For investors who are looking to establish a foothold in the highly progressive City of Gold, setting up a...

How many times have you heard the phrase "it’s all who you know"?  In all parts of the world, someone knows someone who knows someone.  Sometimes you need a service completed and you don't know who to go to or who to trust.  So you...

When it comes to advertising, transparency isn't always clear. Wait a minute, that doesn't sound right, does it? Advertisements were not meant to mislead us but often times they do. You can see a restaurant advertisement where they are showing you a delicious-looking example of...

Sometimes in life, things don't always go our way.  How do you adjust to adversity? How do you react? Some people roll over and give up, others see it as a moment of opportunity and thrive at the moment.  Which person are you? Dealing with adversity...

Over the years, I have gained great professional business experience but none of those experiences left me as humble as my time at a large retail bank during the height of the economic collapse and the ensuing mortgage crisis. Everyone has a story to tell or...

Have you ever called a restaurant and placed an order for takeaway, the call goes very well and you are confident that the company understands exactly what you want?  I mean, how hard can it be, right?  Then you receive your order and it's completely...