Women Entrepreneurs – Unlocking the Women Entrepreneurial Prospective

Women Entrepreneurs – Unlocking the Women Entrepreneurial Prospective

Women Entrepreneurs

It is truly said that women always get the tougher; ranging from breathing life to propelling cash for their new start-ups. UAE was also not an exception when it comes to having limited prospects and facilities for women entrepreneurs. The Kaufmann Foundation asserted that women in UAE were depriving considering quicker access to equity finance, venture capital or angel investment. International Finance Corporation also endorsed the fact that the gap of financing a women-owned SMEs is far greater in developing countries than those that are developed. Within such situations what makes UAE standout is its remarkable will to unlock the entrepreneurial prospects for women; by not only providing them with all the needed facilities but also supporting them morally.

In UAE, the strongest ever winds of change are blowing for women from the past couple of years, as the conventional stereotyped mindset of relegating women to the business offshoots has been progressively faded away. Today, women in UAE are remarkably managing the executive roles, as well as more workshops and awareness and motivational programmes are being arranged to encourage, advice and guide prospective women entrepreneurs.

Platforms for Women Entrepreneurs

Currently, there are some tremendous platforms like ‘RO’Ya’ and ‘Womena’ that are now available to provide full-fledged support, encouragement, guidance and even start-up capital to the promising women entrepreneurs. RO’Ya is a collaborative initiative of MasterCard and Dubai Business Women Council (DBWC) and it precisely targets to encourage and empower promising women entrepreneurs. Similarly, Womena is a women angel investment platform that helps women driving start-up capital for their ventures.

With the flourishing environment for women entrepreneurship and booming markets, foreign women investors are also setting up their businesses in UAE; especially in Dubai. Dubai in the recent years has shown a tremendous increase in numbers of women entrepreneur. Women entrepreneurs are now actively participating in business activities and doing exceptionally well in the business like handbags, salon, event management, catering, day care services, makeup, accessories, garments and much more. And this is not it, women with higher professional qualification, market knowledge and experiences are also taking the helms of full-fledged financial for-profit corporations in their hand.

With the applauding efforts of government and overwhelming support of the society is rapidly unlocking the prospects of women entrepreneurship in UAE. According to Richard Branson, the best way to allow someone to make their own destinies is to provide them with greater power. We believe that its high time for the women in UAE and all the foreign women investors to spread their wings and fly high.

Another great platform that is on its toes to assist women entrepreneurs is Business Setup Consultants (BSC). BSC is helping entrepreneurs from all across the world, and it seeks to serve equally to women entrepreneurs in setting up their businesses in UAE.  After angel financing and guidance, entrepreneurs definitely need to manage the complex process of setting up business. We can serve you as a dear friend at this point of time. So, if you want to avoid such complexities you can consult us for setting up your business. The professional team of BSC consultants is always available to help you in setting up your business. All you need is to trust the expert team of BSC to take-off your business.

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